Being the Flash isn’t a walk in the park. When you’re the fastest man alive, it means you’ve also got the fastest metabolism. Fortunately, to keep himself going, the Scarlet Speedster has discovered a full menu of foods that really hit the spot after a busy day of fighting crime in Central City and beyond. With a new Absolute Flash soon to make his debut, we thought it might be helpful to list off a few of our Flash’s favorite meals. After all, the new guy’s bound to work up an appetite. Let’s take a look at some of the tastier-looking foods that Barry Allen and Wally West have enjoyed on their adventures as the Scarlet Speedster.

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Memorably Consumed In: The Flash #757

The Flash has a huge advantage over us normal folks when it comes to reheating food: he doesn’t need a microwave. In The Flash #757 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval and Jordi Tarragona, Barry Allen returns home to his beloved Iris West, who reminds him that he’s gotta eat. Barry doesn’t blink an eye at the fact that the spaghetti and meatballs sitting on the kitchen table are cold. He warms them right up using his speedster powers. Not even Eobard Thawne can stop Barry from enjoying a nice, satisfying plate of carbs.

Cherry Pie

Memorably Consumed In: Superman #709

Barry Allen isn’t all about dinner foods, though. In Superman #709 by J. Michael Straczynski, Chris Roberson, Eddy Barrows and Allan Goldman, Barry and Superman head to the nearest diner to discuss a mystery surrounding some Kryptonian tech. This is, of course, at Barry’s suggestion, as he’s “starving” after racing around town. While Superman isn’t hungry, the Flash orders a coffee and a slice of cherry pie, which he makes sure to compliment the diner on before they leave.

Hot Dogs

Memorably Consumed In: The Flash #67

It would be remiss of me to not include an issue written by Mark Waid on this list. Over the course of his run on The Flash, Waid helped flesh out the demands of Wally West’s metabolism. In The Flash #67, which features art by Greg La Rocque and Jose Marzan Jr., the Flash participates in a charity event in Keystone City to benefit the homeless. In front of a rapt audience, Wally performs as his own “one-man basketball team” against a pro team before doing some tricks of his own. The experience is so exhilarating that he’s overcome with a craving for hot dogs afterwards, even saying that he could “eat a horse.”

Ice Cream and Chicago Pizza

Memorably Consumed In: The Flash #781

This next one is a twofer, because Wally West chows down on both ice cream and Chicago pizza in the same issue. In The Flash #781 by Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin and Matt Ryan, Wally takes his cousin, Ace West, also known as Kid Flash, out for a day of speedster adventures. The two stop for ice cream at a shop in Argentina, owned by Wally’s friends Agus, Mario and Kyle. While Ace is confused as to why Wally pulled him out of school to get ice cream, Wally notes that his buddies’ shop is closing, and it may be the only time that Ace will get the chance to have “the best helado in the city.” Priorities, Ace! Luckily, Kid Flash sees the light when he finally tries the ice cream. (Also, just a brief aside, Jeremy Adams isn’t wrong—if you don’t understand the “Flush Man” thing, do a quick web search. It’s so worth it.)

Later on, Wally and Ace head to Chicago where Wally can’t even wait to sit down before digging into some authentic Chicago-style pizza. I’m not kidding—the dude walks down the street with Ace eating an entire pizza straight out of the box. We really should add “multitasking” to the list of Flash superpowers. Wally tells Ace that Chicago has the best pizza in the world, which any New Yorker may take offense at, but we’re going to challenge him on, given how enthusiastic he is about sampling different foods from around the world.

Terrifchips and Sea Salt Caramel Gelato

Memorably Consumed In: The Flash 2022 Annual #1

Wally West and Linda Park have one of the best romances in the DC Universe. They’ve been married for years now, and have three kids named Irey, Jai and a new baby named Wade. The Flash 2022 Annual #1 is an adorable tribute to Wally and Linda’s relationship. Jeremy Adams and Serg Acuña put together a story where Wally reads Linda’s latest sci-fi romance novel. And as the story progresses and fuels Wally’s emotional investment, he finds himself stress-eating from a bag of Terrifchips, emblazoned with Mister Terrific’s logo.

Did you know those were a thing? I wonder what they taste like. Do you think he insists that the Justice League Watchtower stocks them as snacks? Also, why is it “Terrifchips” instead of the easier-to-say and more consistent “Terrifichips”? But I digress…

Later in the issue, Wally takes Linda to the Spanish Steps in Rome for a quick romantic getaway. Linda remarks that she’s got a serious craving for “sea salt caramel gelato” before remembering how she craved the same thing when she was pregnant with Irey and Jai. That’s when both Linda and Wally realize that she’s pregnant again! As we would see later on in Adams’ run, Linda would get speedster powers while she was pregnant with Wade, so we think that’s enough to earn her a spot on this list.

Jules Chin Greene writes about comics, TV, games and film for, and his work can also be found at Nerdist, Popverse and Multiverse of Color. You can follow him on Bluesky at @JulesChinGreene and on Instagram at @infinitevibes.

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Jules Chin Greene and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.