DC Preview, Superman #25 – Superman Squares Off Against Lex Luthor in This Special Milestone Issue!

Superman 25 Main Cover (Mora)

(Superman #25 Wraparound Main Cover, Art by Dan Mora)

Available for Preorder Now

On Sale at Participating Comic Book Shops and Digital Retailers Wednesday, April 23

In the hands of storytellers Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell, Dan Mora and Eddy Barrows, Superman has never been more exciting to read and a key component of DC publishing initiatives like “Dawn of DC” and “DC All In.”

On April 23, the Man of Steel takes a major step forward in his legacy when Superman #25 hits participating comic book shops and digital retailers.

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As part of DC’s “Summer of Superman” publishing initiative, this oversized milestone issue (written by Williamson, with art by Mora, Barrows and Eber Ferreira) features the return of the true Lex Luthor to DC All In. Superman and Superwoman are still reeling from their epic battles against Doomsday and Time Trapper, but a bigger problem just appeared…Lex Luthor is back! Lex’s memory was erased during the House of Brainiac arc, but now Superman’s greatest enemy has returned with a twist, and he’s ready for a fight to control Supercorp and Metropolis. Superman #25 is a celebration of the last two years of the challenges and triumphs of the Last Son of Krypton. It’s also a key component of DC’s Summer of Superman and sets up a brand-new storyline for the Man of Steel and his allies.

SM25 Cvr Var Grassetti
SM25 Cvr Var March
SM25 Cvr Var Dekal
SM25 Cvr Var Walker
SM25 Cvr Var Johnson
SM25 Cvr Var Braga
SM25 Cvr Var Ossio
SM25 Cvr Var Hipp

Superman #25 features a wraparound main cover by series artist Mora. The main cover art is also available as a foil-embossed wraparound variant cover, with additional variant covers by Raf Grassetti, Guillem March, Jeff Dekal, Brad Walker, Dave Johnson, Laura Braga, Fico Ossio and Dan Hipp. Local comic book shops have the latest information on availability and preordering.

For the latest news on Superman and DC All In, follow @DCOfficial on social media, and visit the DC All In hub at https://www.dc.com/allin. The DC UNIVERSE INFINITE digital subscription platform (DCUI) contains a robust selection of titles featuring Superman from across DC’s history, including current fan-favorites like Joshua Williamson’s Superman, Absolute Superman by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, Action Comics, and more. For more information and a free trial, visit the DCUI website at https://www.dcuniverseinfinite.com. DCUI is not available in all countries and is not intended for children.