A city-spanning conflict that will crack the Bat-Family in half!
Joe Quesada's connecting covers for Batman #137 and Catwoman #57 revealed!

connecting Batman #137 and Catwoman #57 variant covers by Joe Quesada (pencils),
Kevin Nowlan (inks) and Richard Isanove (colors)
The Bat/Cat War Starts August 29th!
(Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War—Battle Lines #1)
Crime is down in Gotham City… Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, one name runs through his mind. One name at the heart of this new, safer Gotham…Catwoman.
A conflict that's been brewing for well over a year finally hits the streets, and it will fracture the Bat-Family as war erupts! From bestselling writers Chip Zdarsky and Tini Howard and artists Mike Hawthorne and Adriano Di Benedetto comes the opening shot in the Gotham War!

Panels from Batman/Catwoman: “The Gotham War” part one by Tini Howard, Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne,
Adriano di Benedetto, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles
The Bat/Cat War Continues September 5th!
(Batman #137)
Batman descends on Gotham City, full of rage and force, more driven than ever to save his home. But the new landscape has turned friends into foes. Can anyone stop his brutal justice? Should they? The Gotham War continues in this second chapter by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez!

Panels from Batman/Catwoman: “The Gotham War” part two by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez,
Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles
The Next Chapter of the Bat/Cat War Arrives September 19th!
(Catwoman #57)
While Batman finds himself more and more isolated, Selina is never alone. With a volunteer army and two powerful generals by her side, the ballet between her and Bruce enters its next act with a shocking twist! The Gotham War amps up the action in this third chapter by Tini Howard and Nico Leon!

Panels from Batman/Catwoman: “The Gotham War” part three by Tini Howard, Nico Leon,
Veronica Gandini and Lucas Gattoni
The Bat/Cat War Will Continue!