One Perfect Panel is a recurring feature that identifies and examines noteworthy comic book panels, presenting them for your appreciation and discussion. Some of these panels will be epic in scale, while others will be quiet character beats, but all will be masterful in composition and impact.
From Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1
Pencils by Andy Kubert
Inks by Klaus Janson
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Clem Robins
DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE #1 has generated plenty of discussion in the days since its release. While much of this has surrounded the issue’s shocking twist or relentless confrontations between Batman and the GCPD, let’s not overlook the sequence that reintroduces this world’s version of Wonder Woman. It begins with a vividly rendered fight between Diana and a minotaur, but what really struck us was the far quieter splash page that followed, in which Wonder Woman, with her infant son Jonathan on her back, returns to her home of Themyscira. It’s a beautifully drawn moment by Kubert, Janson and Anderson that couldn’t be further removed from the urban turmoil of Gotham.
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