Next month, Vertigo’s latest anthology-style one-shot will take you into the far reaches of space. Filled with spectacular sci-fi stories of robots, deep space and lots of time travel twists, TIME WARP #1 comes to you from a wide array of comic book greats and up-and-coming stars of tomorrow – including writers Damon Lindelof, Toby Litt, Matt Kindt, Peter Milligan, Ray Fawkes, Simon Spurrier, Tom King, Gail Simone, and Dan Abnett, and artists Jeff Lemire, Mark Buckingham, Victor Santos, Matt Kindt, MK Perker, Andy MacDonald, Tom Fowler, Gael Bertrand, INJ Culbard, and more!
Below, take an exclusive first look at some of the interior art featured in these various stories, and don’t forget to pick up your copy of TIME WARP #1 when it flies into stores on March 20!