If you’re a reader of THE SOURCE, you’ve noticed that each day this week we’ve been giving you a special behind-the-scenes tour of BATMAN: DEATH BY DESIGN. Well, don’t think that artist Dave Taylor’s sketchbook is the only thing you’ll be able to see from this original graphic novel before you pick up your copy!


To read a series of exclusive previews of BATMAN: DEATH BY DESIGN and interviews with writer Chip Kidd, check out the coverage that’s run in THE HUFFINGTON POST, WIRED’s GEEKDAD, GAWKER’s IO9 and IGN.


Pretty cool stuff, huh? Makes you want to look at more exclusive sneak peeks at the book, right? Well then you’re in luck! For more previews of the book, head on over to MAXIM and COMIC BOOK RESOURCES. And to hear more from Chip, take note of some additional interviews that he conducted with SCRIPPS HOWARD NEWS SERVICE, COMIC BOOK RESOURCES and BATMAN-NEWS.COM.


BATMAN: DEATH BY DESIGN is on sale in comic book stores now and will be available in bookstores everywhere on Tuesday.