Nine hundred issues is a significant milestone. Come this spring, ACTION COMICS will be the first—and only—comic book series with nine hundred issues under its belt.
Here are 6 items of breaking news about this historic anniversary issue:
1. ACTION COMICS 900 continues the epic Reign of Doomsday storyline.
2. There’s a contribution by famed SUPERMAN THE MOVIE director, Richard Donner;
3. A story by the screenwriter of THE DARK KNIGHT, David Goyer;
4. A story by the co-creator of LOST, Damon Lindelof;
5. In addition to covers by David Finch and Alex Ross, there will be a variant cover by Adam Hughes.
6. In order to squeeze in all these amazing contributions, ACTION COMICS will clock in at a whopping 96 pages.
Stay tuned to THE SOURCE for more about ACTION COMICS 900 in the coming weeks.

Six Things You Need to Know about ACTION COMICS Issue 900
BY: David Hyde
Thursday, January 20th, 2011