Jimmy Palmiotti
Jimmy Palmiotti is a multi-award-winning writer and comic artist and the co-founder of Event Comics, Black Bull Media, Marvel Knights, and most recently Paperfilms, where he currently partners with Amanda Conner and Justin Gray. Together they have created and co-created: MONOLITH, 21 DOWN, THE RESISTANCE, and THE TWILIGHT EXPERIMENT for DC Comics as well as The New West, The Pro, Gatecrasher, Beautiful Killer, Ash, Cloudburst, Trigger Girl 6, Splatterman, Thrill Seeker, Trailblazer, Ballerina, and the TV series, Painkiller Jane. Palmiotti’s other comics work includes POWERGIRL and JONAH HEX for DC Comics, The Last Resort for IDW, Back to Brooklyn for Image Comics, Spartacus for Devils Due, and Time Bomb for Radical Comics. He currently has New West in development at New Regency films and writes ALL-STAR WESTERN for DC Comics' the New 52.