Perry White
Metropolis born and bred Perry White is the fearless Editor-in-Chief of world-renowned newspaper The Daily Planet. Famous for his tough-but-fair attitude and his nose for potential, Perry was responsible for hiring both Lois Lane and Clark Kent on to the paper's staff and keeping the Planet afloat through numerous disasters and would-be buyouts. While Perry officially was never let in on Clark's secret life as Superman until very recently, it seems impossible that he wouldn’t have put it together. As Batman once famously noted, he's just too good of a reporter not to have figured it out.
Still, Perry's professionalism and loyalty to both Clark and Superman have kept him from revealing too much or complicating the already murky lines superheroic journalists must travel every day. Regardless of what he has known and when, Perry is proud to count himself among Superman's friends, and prouder still to uphold the truth and justice represented by the free press.
Character Facts
able to catch typos in a single bound
First Appearance:
SUPERMAN #7 (1940)
Base of Operations:
Perry White GALLERY
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