Each Friday, we'll be letting a different DC.com writer share what they'll be reading over the weekend and why you might want to check it out. Here's this week's suggestion for a perfect Weekend Escape!

From the moment they met, Catwoman has had Batman’s heart. However, what happens when someone steals hers? The way to Batman’s heart is through Catwoman, and Hush is determined to destroy the Dark Knight at all costs.

With the upcoming debut of H2SH, the eagerly awaited sequel to 2002’s Batman: Hush by the original creative team, we thought it might be interesting to look back at one of DC’s earlier attempts to continue the Hush saga. Batman: Heart of Hush is a 2008 storyline by Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen. Published five years after the completion of Hush, the storyline raised the stakes with Bruce Wayne and Tommy Elliot’s rivalry, as the villain hit Batman where it hurts the most.

There are a few ways to read Heart of Hush. The story was originally published in Detective Comics #846-850. If you’re a DC UNIVERSE INFINITE subscriber, the complete arc has been compiled into a collection. If you want to read it in one sitting, the trade paperback collection is available for ULTRA tier subscribers and is also available in print.


Seeking to destroy Batman once and for all, Hush decides to use Batman’s love for Catwoman as a weapon against him. Using technology from Mr. Freeze, he kidnaps Catwoman and removes her heart. Hush cryogenically preserves it, while keeping Selina’s body alive by a series of complex machines. Now the Dark Knight must race against time as Catwoman’s life hangs in the balance. But Tommy Elliot has another surprise up his sleeve—one that threatens to upend everything in Bruce Wayne’s life.


Heart of Hush is written by Paul Dini, one of the most consequential creators in Batman history. Dini was a writer and producer on Batman: The Animated Series, where he co-created Harley Quinn. He also wrote many of the series’ most iconic episodes, including “Almost Got ‘Im” and “Heart of Ice.” Whether you realize it or not, Dini has shaped the way we look at Batman and his world. Heart of Hush stands shoulder to shoulder with the best B:TAS episodes, proving that Dini has not lost his touch.

The storyline is penciled by Eisner Award-winning artist Dustin Nguyen. Longtime Batman readers might remember Nguyen for his work on Li’l Gotham and Batman Beyond Unlimited. Heart of Hush represents some of Nguyen’s earliest work in Gotham, and it’s easy to see why he’s become so beloved by Batman fans. Nguyen’s stylized illustrations give the storyline a noirish feel and somehow make Gotham seem more dangerous. Just look at the way he depicts Hush’s orderlies—downright chilling! 


  • As we prepare for Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee’s H2SH, now is the perfect time to catch up on what the villain has been up to since his debut. Heart of Hush is a pivotal turning point in Batman and Hush’s rivalry, as the villain undergoes a shocking transformation. This is a big one, and the ramifications were felt for years.
  • If you’re a Batman/Catwoman shipper, then Heart of Hush is essential reading. Bruce’s love for Selina Kyle is the heart of this storyline. He has a bedside confession to her late in the story that will tug at your BatCat heartstrings.
  • While it’s not set in the same continuity as Batman: The Animated Series, this storyline has a similar feel to the classic cartoon (which should come as no surprise, considering the author). From the fleshed-out villains, to Batman’s grounded characterization, to the look and feel of Gotham, Heart of Hush feels like a more mature version of B:TAS.
  • Although Heart of Hush builds off of previous storylines, it’s still new reader friendly. Even if you don’t know the history of Batman’s rivalry with Hush, the story does a good job bringing you up to speed. This means that if you’re a Batman: The Animated Series of Paul Dini fan (or a lover of DC movies) who is looking to jump into the comics, this is a great entry point.
  • If you enjoy the storyline and want to know what happens next, Dini and Nguyen’s Hush saga continues with Hush Money and House of Hush.


Heart of Hush is an underrated classic that will entertain you with each page. While the storyline has connections to Hush and Batman R.I.P., it can be read without any knowledge of those stories. It’s a grounded tale that gets to the (no pun intended) heart of who Batman is, as the Caped Crusader is pushed to his emotional limits. The storyline is part romance, part thriller, part horror and has plenty of action.

Heart of Hush is an emotional deep dive into Batman, Catwoman and Hush. Dini and Nguyen explore what makes the trio tick, and readers will walk away feeling more emotionally invested in each character. It’s a riveting Batman story and a perfect weekend read if you’re excited for the return of Tommy Elliot in H2SH.

Batman: Heart of Hush by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs and John Kalisz is available in bookstores, comic shops, libraries and digital retailers. It can also be read in full on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE.

Joshua Lapin-Bertone writes about TV, movies and comics for DC.com, is a regular contributor to the Couch Club and writes our monthly Batman column, "Gotham Gazette." Follow him on Bluesky at @joshualapinbertone and on X at @TBUJosh.

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Joshua Lapin-Bertone and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.