Hal Jordan fans have been eating well for the past year, with Jeremy Adams’ Green Lantern series returning the Silver Age hero of Sector 2814 to the limelight. With a place back in the greater cosmos, his relationship with Carol restored and bigger threats to face the emotional spectrum than ever before, Hal Jordan isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. But Green Lantern Corps, the new ongoing comic debuting today by Adams, Morgan Hampton and Fernando Pasarin, promises Green Lantern fans unprecedented riches: no matter your favorite, we’re going to get our time with all of them.
Why is that so important? Because every fan has their own favorite Green Lantern, and whoever that hero happens to be reveals a lot about their personality. I can see I have you curious, so here’s what your favorite Green Lantern says about you.

AKA: Sentinel
First Appearance: All-American Comics #16 (1940)
Special Skills: Punching Nazis
Recommended Reading: Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023)
You’re an Alan Scott fan if:
- You appreciate the value of the classics
- You’ve ever said “They don’t make ‘em like they used to anymore”
- You know what it’s like to pass your fandom on to another generation
- You’re a champion for the power of strong queer representation in media

AKA: “Highball”
First Appearance: Showcase #22 (1959)
Special Skills: Flaunting authority
Recommended Reading: Green Lantern (2005)
You’re a Hal Jordan fan if:
- Geoff Johns got you into (or back into) comics
- You own a complete set of Lantern Corps rings
- You perk up when you hear the words “Silver Age”
- There’s never been a command or instruction you didn’t ignore

AKA: Warrior
First Appearance: Green Lantern #59 (1968)
Special Skills: Tough as nails
Recommended Reading: Justice League International (1987)
You’re a Guy Gardner fan if:
- You think comics have a responsibility to be, you know…comical
- “Problematic” enhances the fave
- You can appreciate every time a blowhard gets his comeuppance
- You just can’t resist an outward jerk with a secret heart of gold

AKA: The Emerald Knight
First Appearance: Green Lantern #87 (1972)
Special Skills: Attention to detail
Recommended Reading: Green Lantern: War Journal (2023)
You’re a John Stewart fan if:
- You always take the time to think things through
- You have a hard time letting go of past mistakes
- You’re a Justice League Unlimited fan
- You often reluctantly find yourself acting as “the adult” in the room

AKA: The Torchbearer
First Appearance: Green Lantern #48 (1993)
Special Skills: Creativity
Recommended Reading: Green Lantern (1990)
You’re a Kyle Rayner fan if:
- You’re a true Nineties Kid
- You think superheroes should have fun with their powers
- Early reality television was a guilty pleasure
- You know a little something about imposter syndrome

AKA: The White Lantern
First Appearance: The New 52: Free Comic Book Day Special Edition #1 (2012)
Special Skills: Empathy
Recommended Reading: Green Lanterns (2016)
You’re a Simon Baz fan if:
- You always have a backup plan
- You don’t want it to get rowdy, but you’re ready when it pops off
- You always try to see the best in people
- You don’t mind taking a back seat to support a friend in need

AKA: Power Ring
First Appearance: Justice League #30 (2014)
Special Skills: Overcoming great fear
Recommended Reading: Justice League Odyssey (2018)
You’re a Jessica Cruz fan if:
- You have carefully thought out how you’ll survive in a real-life doomsday scenario
- You take time to appreciate the little things that make life worth living
- Some days, just getting out and facing the world is a feat of great courage
- You’re a DC Super Hero Girls fan

AKA: “Jo”
First Appearance: Far Sector #1 (2019)
Special Skills: Hardboiled detective work
Recommended Reading: Far Sector (2019)
You’re a Jo Mullein fan if:
- You need your sci-fi stories with a heaping helping of alien weirdness
- You like the social engineering and mystery solving parts of crimefighting just as much as the punching part
- You appreciate the power of a fresh as hell hairstyle
- You’re really excited about Vertigo coming back

AKA: “Teen Lantern”
First Appearance: Young Justice #1 (2019)
Special Skills: Getting into big trouble
Recommended Reading: Young Justice (2019)
You’re a Keli Quintela fan if:
- Your best early memories always came right before a grown-up yelled at you for it
- Hearing “no” from an authority figure only makes you want to do it more (See also: Hal Jordan)
- Your childhood friendships were really important to you
- You have an open mind to new character development and can’t wait to see what’s next
If your favorite Green Lantern isn’t human at all, then you’re a real freak, a true nerd, and we salute you. Hey, we’re freaks and nerds here too. Me? I’m a Rot Lop Fan guy. (After Jessica Cruz, of course.)
Green Lantern Corps #1 by Jeremy Adams, Morgan Hampton, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert and Arif Prianto is now available in print and as a digital comic book.
Alex Jaffe is the author of our monthly "Ask the Question" column and writes about TV, movies, comics and superhero history for DC.com. Follow him on Bluesky at @AlexJaffe and find him in the DC Official Discord server as HubCityQuestion.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Alex Jaffe and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.