Like so many of you, I’ve fallen in love with My Adventures of Superman. The second season may be nearing its finish, but I just can't get enough of the cute, action-packed and absolutely delightful animated rendition of Clark Kent's early years in Metropolis. Following his adventures with his Daily Planet colleagues/besties Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, My Adventures with Superman is a charming reintroduction to the iconic characters and has a lot of fans wondering how they’re going to survive after this weekend’s season finale (at least until the already greenlit season three makes its debut).

The answer, of course, is easy—comic books! But which ones? After all, part of what makes My Adventures with Superman seem so fresh is that there’s never been a Superman story quite like it before. However, there have been ones that capture the same sense of wonder and joy, and we’re here to help you find them. Here are no less than six comics that are perfect hiatus reads for anyone who’s a big fan of My Adventures with Superman.

My Adventures with Superman

Okay, this one's a no-brainer, though I’d wager a bunch of you didn’t even know there were My Adventures with Superman comics! Well, there are and the series is just getting started, so you can pick it up from the very beginning. The My Adventures with Superman comic series is set between the first and second seasons of the show. It's an additive experience that not only works as a cute standalone, but that also sets up some fun aspects of the second season, especially when it comes to character interactions and vibes. No less than Josie Campbell, the showrunner of My Adventures with Superman, is on writing duties with artist Pablo M. Collar bringing to life its gorgeous animated world in exciting fashion. Just like its namesake, this is a delightfully sweet and exciting comic for readers of all ages!

Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story

This gorgeous young adult graphic novel reimagines Lois Lane's origin story in vibrant fashion as she comes to National City to pursue her career as a journalist. Author Sarah Kuhn (Shadow of the Batgirl) brings heart and a vivacious attitude to Lois, while artists Arielle Jovellanos and Olivia Pecini craft one of the most gorgeous and colorful comics of recent years. There's everything you could want from a Lois Lane tale here with romance, intrigue, a fantastic story to be uncovered, and some great coming of age adventures. Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story is the perfect pick-up for fans of MAWS or lovers of lively Lois herself!

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen

This super fun miniseries resurrected the classic Silver Age DC title centered around the exploits of Superman's best bud…with a twist! While Steve Lieber and Matt Fraction keep the wacky tone of the original, they add a murder mystery to the mix, adding surreal layers to the dynamic tale. With an experimental non-linear narrative, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen is a great reinterpretation of Superman's oldest friend and an absolute riot to read. If Jimmy is your favorite part of MAWS, then pick this up now!

Superman vs. Meshi

Ever wanted to see Superman using his powers for something more relatable than saving the world? How about flying over to Japan in order to eat some really delicious food from the country's famed chain restaurants? Yep, that's the basis for this absolutely delightful series by Satoshi Miyagawa and Kai Kitago from Kodansha and DC. Taking the food manga trend to Superman's front door, Superman vs. Meshi is one of the tastiest, funniest and coziest comics out there, so make sure you dig in soon! (Though don’t be surprised if the delectably drawn food leaves you salivating. You may even want to have the number of your favorite Japanese restaurant at the ready. Just sayin’.)

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures

If you love the Dark Knight just as much of the Man of Steel, then this WEBTOON Original is for you. One of the most-read Batman comics of the last decade, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures lives up to its name by imagining what things might be like if the entire Bat-Family lived in Wayne Manor together. Featuring gorgeous anime-inspired art by Starbite, CRC Payne writes these characters as you've always wanted to see them: cute siblings that live under the watchful eye of Batman. It's a fun slice of life series that is a perfect Gotham City counterpart to My Adventures with Superman, and one of the loveliest out of continuity comics that we've ever been blessed with at DC.

Superman: The Harvests of Youth

Our final pick is a bit of a tonal shift from the humor and hilarity of the other suggestions on this list, but it’s a beautiful coming of age story perfect for fans of My Adventures with Superman looking for something that’s a little more emotional. In Superman: The Harvests of Youth, cartoonist Sina Grace crafts something truly special as he explores Clark Kent's youth in Smallville and what it feels like to grow up super. Grappling with grief, mortality, love and friendship, this YA tale feels like one of the vital stories to read if you’re looking to understand Superman. If you've yet to check out any of DC’s YA comics (which despite what the name might suggest, aren’t only for young adults) or discover the work of Grace, this is a great gateway to both.

My Adventures with Superman is now streaming on Max. All of the above comics can be read on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE (with the exception of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, which can be read for free on WEBTOON).

Rosie Knight is an award-winning journalist and author who loves Swamp Thing, the DC Cosmic and writing the monthly gossip column here at You can also listen to her waxing lyrical about comics, movies and more each week as she co-hosts Crooked Media's pop-culture podcast, X-Ray Vision.

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Rosie Knight and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.