Suicide Squad: Dream Team – Amanda Waller Recruits Dreamer for Her Plans To Take Control of the DC Universe

All-New Ongoing Series Debuts Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Across the pages of Titans: Beast World and Action Comics, Amanda Waller has been carefully developing her blueprint to seize ultimate power in the DC Universe. This March, her plans take a major step forward with the creation of a new Task Force X, with an unexpected DC Super Hero at the center. Today, DC has confirmed plans for Suicide Squad: Dream Team, a new ongoing series written by Nicole Maines, with art by Eddy Barrows (Action Comics, Freedom Fighters) and Eber Ferreira. The debut issue arrives at participating comic book shops and e-tailers on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.

To Amanda Waller, metahumans are the greatest threat to world safety, and she isn’t above ruthlessly using them to solve that problem. Waller sees Dreamer, DC’s precog/dream-walking Super Hero, as a key piece in eliminating that threat, recruiting her for this latest version of the Suicide Squad, complete with some of the most dangerous Super-Villains the DC Universe has to offer: Harley Quinn, Bizarro, Clock King, Black Alice, and Deadeye.

“I’m really excited to be working with Eddy and Eber to bring Dreamer into this pivotal time in the DC Universe,” said Maines. “This is a very different space from what she’s used to, and where we’re used to seeing her; dealing with Amanda Waller and this new Suicide Squad is going to force her to decide what kind of hero she wants to be, and what she is willing to sacrifice to save the future.”

The debut issue of Suicide Squad: Dream Team features a main cover by series artists Barrows and Ferreira (also available as a foil variant cover), with additional variant covers by Riccardo Federici, Sweeney Boo, and Gleb Melnikov. Contact your local comic book shop for additional details and pre-ordering.
For the latest news on Suicide Squad: Dream Team, Dreamer, Amanda Waller, Titans: Beast World and the World’s Greatest Super Heroes, visit the official DC website at, and follow @DCOfficial and @thedcnation on social media. The DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Digital Subscription platform (DCUI) includes a fantastic selection of titles featuring Amanda Waller, Dreamer, and the Suicide Squad; for more information and a free trial, visit the DCUI website at DCUI is not available in all countries and is not intended for children.