There's no two ways around it: The DC Universe has a lot of teams. Even if we set aside the Justice League and their variations, there are still countless other groups with specialized interests and rosters of varying sizes, all ready and willing to hop into the fray at any given moment. Some of them are the very best at what they do, and others are…well, others are a lot more like the Doom Patrol.
Okay, that was a little harsh but, hear me out! Being a team of dysfunctional weirdos who have as much a chance of destroying the world as they do of saving it is kind of their biggest charm point. It’s what’s been driving their soon-to-conclude Max series for four seasons, winning the Doom Patrol legions of new fans. We have to love them for it—and we want you to love them for it, too! So, with that in mind, this Weekend Escape is all about a perfect way to jump into the Doom Patrol’s comic book world for the very first time: Doom Patrol: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way and Nick Derington.
The Premise:

Meet Casey Brinke, a hardworking and vivacious EMT who spends her days helping people and saving lives. Or, well, at least that's what she does in the comic book version of her life. Wait a minute, hang on, isn't this the comic book version of her life?
We're getting ahead of ourselves.
Doom Patrol: Brick by Brick is the debut story arc of what amounts to Doom Patrol's sixth volume and the first published under the DC Young Animal imprint. It's a doozy, but it's a doozy in the way that a lot of Doom Patrol stories are, meaning that not only would explaining too much spoil the story, it would also make us sound certifiably off our rockers. We'll leave it at this: Casey Brinke is a lot more than she seems, and she winds up involved with the Doom Patrol for reasons she would have never seen coming, even if she knew where to look. It all boils down to facing off against a group of aliens, who also might be more than they seem.
Just trust us on this one.
Let's Talk Talent:

When it comes to weird comics, it's difficult to get a more high-profile name than Gerard Way, who co-created the iconic Umbrella Academy series. With Doom Patrol, Way's eccentric sensibilities are fully unleashed on the DC Universe and they absolutely sing (it for the boys, sing it for the girls…um, sorry). This is a dream match-up of writer and character roster, and that's to say nothing of the outrageously talented Nick Derington's art which ties all of it together. You won't find another comic in the DCU that looks or feels like this one. It really is one-of-a-kind. High energy, high concept and just wall-to-wall weird in the best way.
A Few Reasons to Read:

- Are you looking for a non-traditional way to enter the DC Universe for the first time? This might be the perfect book for you. It's a superhero book, but it's also not really a superhero book. It's full of characters with long and storied continuities and pasts, but you can approach them all for the first time here.
- Similarly, have you been interested in Doom Patrol comics in the past, but felt intimidated about starting? This is the solution to that problem! You can pick this book up having never touched a Doom Patrol story before and feel right at home.

- Maybe you're a fan of the TV series who has never known where to start in the comics. At six issues, Brick by Brick isn’t a big commitment, and if you like it and want to keep reading, you only have six more issues to go until you reach the end of Way and Derington’s run. There’s more than enough time to get through them before the series returns next week!
- Are you a fan of Gerard Way's other comics and looking for something to read now that you're caught up in them? Or maybe you’re just a My Chemical Romance fan who can’t get enough of Way and his work. Great news! Reading Brick by Brick is a great way to satisfy that particularly craving.
Why It's Worth Your Time:

The Doom Patrol may not be the most easily approachable or "user friendly" comic book team, but that doesn't mean their stories aren't worthwhile. In fact, the Doom Patrol might actually be the best way to give yourself an onramp to some of the weirder corners of the DC Universe with characters you may have otherwise never had a chance to meet. It's just that actually finding them and getting immersed can be a little bit tricky. That's why Doom Patrol: Brick by Brick is a phenomenal choice for anyone who might want to take those first steps. Not only is it modern, approachable and the best kinds of weird, it also provides an introduction to the Doom Patrol's core roster, and allows you to start following threads you would have probably missed if you were too busy focusing on the big A-list superheroes we all know and love.
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way, Nick Derington and Tamra Bonvillain is available as a softcover graphic novel at bookstores, comic shops, libraries and online retailers. It can also be read in full on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE.
Mason Downey writes about comics, movies and superhero history for Look for more of his work on GameSpot, IGN and Polygon.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Mason Downey and do not necessarily reflect those of DC Entertainment or Warner Bros., nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.