September was one of DC’s biggest months for new issue #1s in quite some time, and the best part is, the debuts are all very diverse, ensuring that there’s a new DC title for everyone. Whether you’re a fan of sitcoms (Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville), political intrigue (Wonder Woman), or horror (Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham), there is a new book for you.
Need some help figuring out which may be right for you? Here's a rundown of all of DC’s new issue #1s to help you make your selection. Maybe you’ll try one of them…maybe you’ll try all of them! (I did!) Either way, you’re sure to find something you’ll enjoy, and you’ll be able to say you were there from the start. Happy reading!

The Premise: After a period of estrangement, Damian Wayne is moving back in with his father Bruce Wayne. As they enter this new phase in their relationship, the two must learn how to operate together as Batman and Robin, as well as father and son. This includes some new challenges, like living together without Alfred, and sending Damian to high school.
The Creative Team: Written by Joshua Williamson and penciled by Simone Di Meo
Who It’s For: Fans of Grant Morrison’s original Batman and Robin run, classic superhero action, family drama and mysteries.
Tantalizing Tease: Did you know that Damian writes his own stories about a fictional detective named Damian Vane? You want to see these stories, don’t you? Guess what—a sample page is included in the first issue! You’re welcome.

Batman/Catwoman – The Gotham War: Red Hood #1
The Premise: Catwoman has started a school for crime and Red Hood is one of the instructors. However, Selina and Jason begin to butt heads when it becomes clear that Batman’s former protégé has an ulterior motive. (Note: This is part of the Gotham War crossover, but don’t worry if you haven’t read the other issues. This vignette is a good jumping on point.)
The Creative Team: Written by Matthew Rosenberg and penciled by Nikola Cizmesija
Who It’s For: Fans of Wayne Family Adventures who are looking to get into the main Bat-books, viewers of Titans and crime noir lovers.
Tantalizing Tease: Jason Todd takes on a drill sergeant role in Catwoman’s crime school. As you can imagine, the results are really entertaining.

The Premise: A demented killer called Crytoon begins to target Gotham, modeling his murders after vintage cartoon violence. As Batman searches for a thread between the victims, he begins to contemplate ending his Bruce Wayne identity. (Note: This is a Black Label series which takes place outside of regular continuity. Perfect for new readers!)
The Creative Team: Story and art by Rafeal Grampa with Mat Lopes
Who It’s For: Fans of Batman who have never read a comic, horror film buffs and lovers of true crime podcasts.
Tantalizing Tease: This is probably the most violent Batman comic you will ever read!

The Premise: Sin Lance is in danger and Black Canary will stop at nothing to save her former foster daughter. To do that, Dinah recruits a new Birds of Prey team with some unlikely members. What happens when you put Black Canary, Big Barda, Cassandra Cain, Zealot and Harley Quinn on the same team? Pure chaos!
The Creative Team: Written by Kelly Thompson and penciled by Leonardo Romero
Who It’s For: Fans of the Ocean’s Eleven franchise, Kill Bill, ’90s comics and people who like shouting “Fire!” in crowded buildings.
Tantalizing Tease: The Birds of Prey’s first mission takes them to a very unexpected place. Trust me, you’re never going to expect it and you’ll be dying to get the next issue in your hands.

The Premise: When a barroom confrontation ends with the death of several men, Amazons are declared enemies of the United States. Sarge Steel leads a nationwide manhunt, determined to expel every Amazon from America, dead or alive. As you can imagine, Wonder Woman refuses to take this lying down and confronts Steel. But who is really pulling the strings and what will happen when they catch up with Diana?
The Creative Team: Written by Tom King and penciled by Daniel Sampere
Who It’s For: Fans of political thrillers and mysteries. If you know Wonder Woman from television or film, but have never picked up a comic before, this is a great jumping on point.
Tantalizing Tease: You’ve heard of the Lasso of Truth…well, this storyline introduces the Lasso of Lies. The idea electrifies my brain, and I can’t wait to see where Tom King takes this.

The Premise: Things never slow down with the West family. Wally is the Flash, the Fastest Man Alive. His wife Linda is a former reporter, looking to make her return to work while raising three kids. Jai and Irey are their twin children, who have some Speed Force powers of their own. They’re currently navigating high school and trying to slow down in a world that doesn’t seem fast enough for them. And then there’s baby Wade, the newest West. He isn’t getting into any trouble—yet. The Flash is more than a superhero title, it’s family drama.
The Creative Team: Written by Simon Spurrier and penciled by Mike Deodato, Jr.
Who It’s For: Fans of The Incredibles, legacy superheroes, super-powered families, gorillas and science fiction epics.
Tantalizing Tease: Have you ever wanted to see a gerbil do the Harlem Shake? Yes, that happens in this book.

The Premise: It’s a new day for Power Girl. The heroine has created a new secret identity, Dr. Paige Stetler, an up-and-coming figure in the tech world. Unfortunately, Paige’s debut is interrupted by the arrival of Amalak, an intergalactic villain who seeks to eliminate all Kryptonians—no matter what reality they’re from. As if things couldn’t get any worse, a mysterious virus is plaguing humanity, and it seems to be Kryptonian in nature. Is Power Girl up to saving the day?
The Creative Team: Written by Leah Willaims and penciled by Eduardo Pansica
Who It’s For: Science fiction fans, lovers of cute animals, girlboss admirers and people who like really, really big……action! (What? Thought we were going to say something else?)
Tantalizing Tease: Streaky the cat steals the show. Anyone who has ever owned a cat will instantly recognize the look Streaky gives after Power Girl forgets to feed him.

Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1
The Premise: Fire and Ice are superhero besties who never quite made it to the A-List. The former Justice Leaguers find themselves assigned to Smallville, which they hope will be a chance to prove themselves. Within minutes of arriving in Superman’s hometown, Fire and Ice meet a colorful cast of characters and find themselves in charge of a hair salon. Oh, and Martha Kent is along for the ride as their mother hen.
The Creative Team: Written by Joanne Starer and penciled by Natacha Bustos
Who It’s For: Fans of sitcoms, the Burnside Batgirl run, Two Broke Girls and any reader with a bestie they’d do almost anything for.
Tantalizing Tease: Wait until you see who shows up on the final page.

The Premise: Fresh from the events of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day, Jaime Reyes is living in Palmera City and trying to train the newly discovered Green Beetle and Yellow Beetle, while still juggling family responsibilities, a social life and the neverending quest of finding himself. Little does Jaime know, a mysterious threat is lurking in the background, threatening to destroy everything he’s worked so hard to build.
The Creative Team: Written by Josh Trujillo and penciled by Adrian Gutierrez
Who It’s For: Longtime DC readers (great Easter eggs), new fans coming from the Blue Beetle movie, fans of young superheroes and science fiction lovers.
Tantalizing Tease: The final page contains a shocking moment that will leave your jaw on the floor.

The Premise: John Stewart thought his time as Green Lantern was over. The former Justice Leaguer has returned home to take care of his ailing mother, but soon learns that his heroic legacy isn’t that easy to leave behind. With Radiant Dead targeting Earth, John’s retirement may be short-lived. But how can he be Green Lantern without the Corps and a Power Ring?
The Creative Team: Written by Phillip Johnson Kennedy and penciled by Montos
Who It’s For: Fans of war stories, the 2001 Justice League animated series and ’80s blockbusters.
Tantalizing Tease: How much damage can John do without a Green Lantern Power Ring? The answer will surprise and delight you.
Whether you’re a new DC reader or a longtime fan, a delighter in all things dark or a lover of laughs, you’re bound to love at least one of these new titles. And don’t forget, each of them will also be available on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE one month after release! Which ones will you be picking up?
Joshua Lapin-Bertone writes about TV, movies and comics for, is a regular contributor to the Couch Club and writes our monthly Batman column, "Gotham Gazette." Follow him on Twitter at @TBUJosh.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Joshua Lapin-Bertone and do not necessarily reflect those of DC Entertainment or Warner Bros., nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.