Chances are if you've been reading comics for any amount of time, you've seen the term "Silver Age" get tossed around—it's the name used to describe an era of comics that was at its height during the '50s and '60s. Now I could go into the hows and the whys of the Silver Age and this could become a history lesson, but we're here for a Weekend Escape, not an academic essay, so let's just cut to the chase: the Silver Age was really, really weird. Infamously weird, even. It featured all kinds of bizarre villains that weren't really villains, characters turning into animals, animals turning into characters, rainbows of kryptonite causing all kinds of havoc—you name it. It also featured a massive number of spin-off comics for characters we'd probably consider the supporting cast of books today.
One of those spin-off books was called Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, where Jimmy Olsen from the Daily Planet starred in his own series of bizarre, often sci-fi flavored adventures that usually involved him getting turned into some sort of creature for a few pages before everything was eventually solved and he was turned back to normal. Now, I know what you're thinking—Mason, this is a Weekend Escape, why are you telling me to go read a whole series from thirty years ago about someone like Jimmy Olsen?
Well, dear reader, there’s no need to panic, because what I'd actually like to recommend for you this weekend is a twelve-issue limited series that hit shelves back in 2019. Allow me to introduce you to Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen by Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber.
The Premise:

Like you might guess, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen is about, well, Jimmy Olsen. It captures the spirit of the completely wackadoo ideas of the Silver Age series and applies them to the modern DC Universe in a way that's both completely hilarious and totally self-aware. The set-up is actually pretty simple: Jimmy accidentally winds up one of the most wanted people in the DCU and is forced to fake his own death while also trying to solve the mystery of how and why he got himself into this situation.
In the words of Lois Lane, Jimmy "sure did create some content," and now he's paying for it in the most absurd way possible.
Let’s Talk Talent:

There's no two ways to go about it, Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber are legends, and this is well earned. The Eisner-winning duo combine forces for these twelve issues to tell a story that's functionally about comics, with comics. Jimmy Olsen is both a deconstruction of and a love letter to the Silver Age by two creators who are masters of the medium—it just wouldn't work if they weren't.
Fraction's punchy, irreverent character voices sink punchline after punchline, while Lieber's artful cartooning allows for moments of fourth wall-breaking and sight-gags that get the timing just right. The two of them together make for comedy alchemy.
To make it even more special, Jimmy Olsen featured Fraction's first ever work with DC after having spent years working with publishers like Marvel and Image to create some of their most popular series. Lieber, meanwhile, can be found with his fingerprints all over the DCU, from other Superman books to Detective Comics.
A Few Reasons to Read:

- Need a break from the heavy, often deeply depressing, totally relentless march of reality? Great news! This is the book for you! Sure, there's drama and action and moments of suspense, but it's all in the name of some of the most hilarious storytelling around.
- Jimmy Olsen is very, very funny—have I mentioned that it's funny?—but it's also at least a little bit educational! If you've ever been curious about the Silver Age, but found the older books either inaccessible or just a little too dated for your liking, this book is the perfect solution.

- Are you a Superman fan who is looking for a whole new perspective on Clark and his friends? Obviously, Jimmy Olsen stars Jimmy Olsen (shocker!) but it also features Perry White, Lois Lane and a whole laundry list of other side characters from all over the DCU—many of whom will surprise you with new angles. Plus, Superman himself gets some of the most endearing gags in the story.
Why It’s Worth Your Time:

Sometimes it's important to remember that superhero comics are much more than just bad guys threatening the city (or the planet, or the universe) and good guys swooping in to save the day. Not everything has cosmic-level stakes and absolutely dire consequences. Sometimes, it's okay to take a step back and laugh about just how completely over-the-top the genre tends to be. Poking a little fun doesn't mean we love it any less—in fact, it might even make us love it more.
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen is the perfect way to spend your weekend if you're looking for a laugh or for a reminder about the things that make comics such a special medium to begin with. It's breezy, funny, impossibly self-aware and most importantly, completely approachable. Sure, it's referential (and self-referential) but the jokes will speak for themselves, no prior knowledge required. So jump on in, have a few laughs and learn a little bit about DC history while you're at it!
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen by Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber and Nathan Fairbairn is available in print and digital as a collected edition and can be read in full on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE.
Mason Downey writes about comics, movies and superhero history for Look for more of his work on GameSpot, IGN and Polygon and follow him on Twitter at @rustypolished.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Mason Downey and do not necessarily reflect those of DC Entertainment or Warner Bros., nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.