In BATMAN #58, which kicked off Tom King and Mikel Janín’s Penguin-centered new storyline, “The Tyrant Wing,” Batman sent Oswald Cobblepot to Arkham Asylum. In Wednesday’s BATMAN #59, it appears the Penguin has returned the favor…in a matter of speaking. Chapter one ended with the revelation that the Penguin isn’t looking to hurt Batman, but to team up with him to bring down Bane, who is responsible for killing Cobblepot’s wife, Penny. Bruce—whether he realizes it yet or not—also knows what it feels like to have his true love stolen by Bane, who we know was behind Selina’s wedding day breakup.
In short, these guys have both had their hearts broken, and the same person is to blame.
Judging by Batman’s furious assault on Arkham Asylum, where Bane has been holding court, in our exclusive preview of issue #59, it appears that Bruce may now know about the game Bane’s been playing with his life. But Bane’s beaten Batman before, and if Bruce’s treatment of the poor guards is any indication, the Dark Knight seems a bit unhinged. He’s hardly in the right mindset to defeat his greatest foe. Is that what Bane wants? Can Batman actually trust Penguin? How much do Arkham guards make anyhow because it does NOT seem worth it! We can’t say you’ll find answers to those questions in our preview, but you should still check it out!
BATMAN #59 by Tom King, Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire is in stores this Wednesday.