Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter’s long awaited “Flash War” continues this week in THE FLASH #48, and for Wally West, everything is about to change. In last month’s debut chapter, the Flash Family was confronted by the Renegades, a team of super-powered peacekeepers from the future who look a lot like the Rogues, but who say they only want to see justice served. The problem is that the justice they seek is for Eobard Thawne, who was killed by Iris in the future. After a brief battle, Iris agreed to go with the Renegades to plead her case, not wanting her actions to continue creating problems for her friends and family. Wally, Barry and Kid Flash said they would accompany her through time, only Wally disappeared in the process—his journey redirected by none other than his old nemesis, Zoom.
At least, he used to be Wally’s nemesis. Now, Zoom claims that he just wants to help. To restore all that was taken from the former Flash—starting with Wally’s family. While Wally remembered Linda Park, he had forgotten about Jai and Irey, his two children with her, until he’s painfully reminded of them in this exclusive sneak peek at this pivotal issue.
THE FLASH #48 by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter and Hi-Fi is in stores this Wednesday.