This week’s SUPERMAN begins a special 2-issue arc, paying homage to the very talented, late Darwyn Cooke and his brilliant work, which includes DC: The New Frontier. In this issue, Clark and Jon are enjoying some father-son time at the Fortress of Solitude, creating a drone for Jon’s experiment for the Science Fair at school. But things go horribly wrong when the drone assimilates with some of the Fortress’ crystals!
Clark, Jon and Krypto find themselves transported to a mysterious island! And that’s not the only thing that’s odd. As they survey the beach they notice war machines that have obviously been destroyed by something unnatural. But where are they? And what is this mystery island? Superman gathers his son to make an escape to the mainland, but the dense clouds above aren’t allowing him to find it.
Then this just happened:
It’s Dinosaurs! While Superman, Jon and Krypto fight to escape the dinosaurs, poor Krypto is eaten (again)! Luckily, the dinosaurs don’t seem interested in eating dogs and let him go. But why? Soon the trio discover a number of military graves and heavy artillery and the skeleton of a fallen soldier. What happened in this place that has both a military presence and dinosaurs, and what’s making the dinosaurs so afraid?
Will Superman, Superboy and Krypto discover the mystery? And how will they escape?! Read even more in this week’s SUPERMAN #8 from writers Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason with art by Dough Mahnke (pencils), Jaime Mendoza (inks), Wil Quintana (colors), and Rob Leigh (letters)!