In these debut issues of WONDER WOMAN, Diana’s memories are distorted and changing, leaving her questioning who she is, how she come to be, and her place amongst the Amazons and the Gods.
Determined to put an end to the lies, Wonder Woman heads to an isolated rainforest in Bwanda in seek of the truth and the help of an ally. But she finds no friend awaiting her arrival and is attacked! She gives the mysterious foes that threaten her three warnings to come forward and reveal themselves to her. If her warnings aren't heeded, she will fight… and they will lose.
One by one she counts down her warnings as her enemies surround her. Then, a hoard of beasts attack! Wonder Woman battles them, destroying them while demanding that their Goddess show herself!
Then This Just Happened:
Themyscira’s location is lost from her memory! Can she trust Cheetah to be an ally?
Meanwhile, Commander Etta Candy and Chief Steve Trevor have been alerted while on a mission that Wonder Woman has been spotted nearby Trevor’s troop location. Has she come to help? Who alerted her and broke security? Or is it coincidence?
Find out more from writer Greg Rucka and artists Liam Sharp (art), Laura Martin (colors) and Jodi Wynne (letters) in this week’s WONDER WOMAN #1! And stay tuned for the next issue, WONDER WOMAN #2 by Rucka, Nicola Scott (art), Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colors) and Jodi Wynne (letters) which begins the "Year One" storyline.