Quiet, surreal and infused with a gentle charm that immediately draws you in, THE TWILIGHT CHILDREN is a brand new Vertigo series from the dream team of writer Gilbert Hernandez and artist Darwyn Cooke. Set in a seaside fishing village somewhere in Latin America, The Twilight Children leads with the sort of slice-of-life, rural village character stories you might expect from Hernandez, but takes a quick turn for the supernatural when it’s revealed that the village is regularly visited by mysterious white orbs. And that’s just the beginning…
To spoil much more than that would be unthinkable, but we couldn’t pass up a chance to have two creative legends answer some of our questions. Here’s what Hernandez and Cooke had to say about their new series and comic book life in general.
Tell us, briefly, how you would describe the book you are working on:
Gilbert Hernandez: I wrote THE TWILIGHT CHILDREN with Darwyn Cooke’s storytelling skills in mind. What I’ve seen so far of the book, I made the right decision. He’s made my writing look good!
Darwyn Cooke: A science fiction slice of life the likes of which could only come from Gilbert Hernandez’s brain.
Can your main character change a tire?
Darwyn: Yes. She would simply get every man within 100 miles to come running with car jacks.
Gilbert: If I’m considering my main character in the story the young scientist, he can’t even match his socks.
If you set your series under water, how would the characters change?
Darwyn: Since our characters inhabit a small fishing village, I suppose they’d be happy underwater, where I’m sure it would be easier to spot and catch the fish.
Gilbert Hernandez
When did you know for sure that comics were the thing you wanted to do?
Darwyn: Age 13.
Gilbert: I decided to do comics for a living because I can’t do anything else. Not that I can do comics, but don't tell anybody.
What’s your favorite panel from a comic ever?
Gilbert: My all-time favorite panel is from “Judgement Day,” the last panel in the EC Comics classic story. It was drawn by Joe Orlando.
Darwyn: Final panel of Fantastic Four #51, “This Man, This Monster.”
How does inspiration most often strike you?
Darwyn: In the shins.
Gilbert: Inspiration comes to me the second I get up in the morning. To paraphrase Ray Bradbury: “I don’t need an alarm clock; inspiration awakens me.”
Darwyn Cooke
What would you consider to be the most essential tool of your trade?
Darwyn: Discipline.
Gilbert: My empty stomach. After I eat, I’m ready to work!
You can have one final coffee with 2 people, one living and one dead, before a zombie apocalypse. Who are they and what do you discuss?
Darwyn: Let’s see…Today I’ll say Joe Kubert and my five-year-old nephew, Henry. I’d want Henry to see what a great man looked like and acted like. I’d want him to know that sometimes the word “man” is used to describe something good and strong and wonderful.
What’s the most unusual part of your job, or something people can’t believe you do?
Gilbert: People are often perplexed when I tell them I love my job.
Darwyn: Keep ahead of Dan DiDio.
What was the last song you listened to? (totally judging)
Gilbert: “Delirium” by P!nk. It’s her only punk song, as far as I know.
Darwyn: “Sweet Love” by the Commodores. How’s that for an honest answer?
THE TWILIGHT CHILDREN #1 will be available on October 14, 2015 in print and as a digital download. However, for a lengthy sneak peek, be sure to download THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE #6 digitally. Along with the final chapter of Neil Gaiman and J.H. Williams III’s Morpheus saga, it includes the complete, uncolored first issue of The Twilight Children. Enjoy!