Damian Wayne’s gone from pint-sized assassin, to fighting alongside his father as Robin, to pushing up daisies, to suddenly no longer pushing up daisies, to anchoring his very own ongoing title alongside a shaggy, winged giant known as Goliath. Yes, it’s been quite a wild ride for the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, and it only gets wilder from here. How crazy will things get? We can’t tell you, but fortunately Robin: Son of Batman writer and artist Patrick Gleason can…
Patrick, you’ve now ventured into writing after years of being an artist, most recently on Batman and Robin. How did you make the transition?
Patrick Gleason: The DC editorial team knew I was really in love with Damian from my run with Pete Tomasi on Batman and Robin. They had approached me about doing some of my own writing last year and seemed very interested in growing the artist/writer dynamic, and obviously I was too. Before I knew it, I was traveling to New York and attending a Batman writing summit with amazing Bat-creators and editors and on my way to writing and drawing my own comic book. It's like a dream come true.
We learned in BATMAN #40 and #41 that Batman is presumed dead and Jim Gordon, the “new” Batman, is taking his place in Gotham. What has this done to Damian, and in what ways will it contribute to the story?
Patrick: Obviously, with the events spilling out of Batman #40, things are definitely going to be different for everyone in Gotham! But for Damian, we'll focus on his world that stretches far beyond the city. Also we'll look back into his past to see what it means to his future.
I'm interested in unwrapping the layers about how Damian sees himself and what it means to be the "Son of Batman." Talk about pressure! Think about it. No one else can claim that legacy. It is what truly defines Damian and makes him unique as a Robin.
In the world of Batman, Damian has always added an element of fun. Are you planning on continuing that in this series?
Patrick: That's a huge part of what I want to bring and continue on in this book. That's not to say I won't be dealing with serious emotional issues, but I'm not focusing on the ramifications of what happened in Gotham and Batman at all in the beginning. It's more about expansion and Damian finding out if he can live up to the new life and calling that Batman has given him. It's going to be a real high-flying—literally—globe-hopping adventure with Damian and company.
ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN #1 by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray will be available in print and as a digital download this Wednesday.