SPOILER ALERT: If you have not read BATMAN #35 yet and do not wish to know what happens, stop reading this post now (major spoilers ahead!).
From the superstar creative team that brought you a new start to the Caped Crusader comes the story that could end the Dark Knight. The biggest, deadliest and most epic story yet from writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo – “Batman: Endgame” begins here!
Snyder and Capullo have been keeping the storyline for “Endgame” a huge secret for a long time – but now with the book on sale, the news is out! The Joker is back!
But wait, is he? Take a look at the last page of BATMAN #35 and let us know what you think. The Justice League has fallen prey to what appears to be The Joker’s signature venom, but does that mean the big bad is back? (Of course it does!)
For more on “Endgame,” head on over to COMIC BOOK RESOURCES, MTVNEWS, IGN, COMIC VINE, and NEWSARAMA for interviews with Scott Snyder about the 6-issue story arc, or take a look at review coverage on COMIC VINE, COMICBOOK, TECH TIMES, NEWSARAMA and more.
BATMAN #35, written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Greg Capullo, is available in stores now.