Infinite Crisis, from the creative powerhouse of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine, is DC Entertainment’s newest online game. A Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, or MOBA, Infinite Crisis is set within the DC Comics Multiverse and features a large and quickly growing roster of both familiar and new Multiverse variations of your favorite heroes and villains as well as a variety of maps, each offering a different gaming experience.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s now in open beta and entirely free to play?

We couldn’t blame you if you’ve stopped reading this and are signing up as we speak. But you should really stop by again tomorrow and every day this week. That’s because we’ll be celebrating this addictively awesome new game all week long with “Five Days of Infinite Crisis.” From now through Friday, keep an eye out for interviews with the game developers, a MOBA 101 guide for beginners, a look at the upcoming comic book and action figures from DC Collectibles and more, all right here on It’s everything you’ll need to choose a side and join the fight online.

The crisis may be infinite... but our event only lasts for five days. And you’re not going to want to miss a single one of them.

Sign up for the Infinite Crisis open beta and start playing for free today at So what do you fight for?

Also, have you seen the latest trailer yet? Because we have to say, it's pretty darn sweet.