Recently, British television personality and longtime MARSHAL LAW fan, Jonathan Ross, took the opportunity to write an introduction to the classic barbed wire-wrapped adventures now collected for the first time in a single hardcover edition.
Crafted by the legendary team of writer Pat Mills (JUDGE DREDD) and artist Kevin O’Neill (THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN), DC Comics is proud to present MARSHAL LAW: THE DELUXE EDITION, now a New York Times Bestseller.
According to Ross, “Marshal Law is one of the most overlooked classics of its time, and for many readers this collection will be their first encounter with Mills and O’Neill’s merciless hero hunter. But whether you’re an aging punk filled with anti-social nostalgia or a fresh young fan still wide-eyed with hopeful optimism, get ready to have your teeth kicked in by the most subversive superhero saga ever published!”
To read the full introduction pick up MARSHAL LAW: THE DELUXE EDITION. Featuring MARSHAL LAW #1-6, MARSHAL LAW: FEAR AND LOATHING, MARSHAL LAW TAKES MANHATTAN, MARSHAL LAW: KINGDOM OF THE BLIND, MARSHAL LAW: THE HATEFUL DEAD, MARSHAL LAW: SUPER BABYLON and MARSHAL LAW: SECRET TRIBUNAL #1-2, a new afterword from the writer, and a special gallery section from the artist, it's in stores now.
Press Release
Jonathan Ross talks MARSHAL LAW
BY: Pamela Mullin Horvath
Monday, May 20th, 2013