DC Comics shocked WonderCon attendees when they revealed Batman’s surprising new boy wonder during the DC COMICS – THE NEW 52panel on Saturday.

We were at WonderCon this weekend and certainly revealed plenty of great stuff during our panels, but we’re pretty sure Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire are a little busy to be cooking up silly spinoffs and that Batman would fail to see the humor in letting Alfred E. Neuman anywhere near the Batcave.

Yes, in honor of April 1st (which also happens to be Alfred E. Neuman’s birthday), both DCComics.com and VertigoComics.com were given fake homepage slides. So whether you were fooled by DC Comics’ promise of a new Robin or Vertigo’s Canadian Vampire announcement, congratulations. You’ve been had.

But don’t sweat it. April Fool’s Day is supposed to be fun, and that’s all this little stunt was about. Even better, we’re not about to stop. There’s plenty of April Foolery to be had in comic shops this month. Why, have you seen our 13 MAD variant covers?

You haven’t?! Well, you can look for them gracing some of your favorite DC COMICS – THE NEW 52 titles all month long. Or you can just click here to see them all.

On behalf of all of us at DC Entertainment, have a happy April 1st!