A year ago, we launched new websites for DC Comics, Vertigo and MAD Magazine. Since then, you’ve been sharing your thoughts and opinions with us by leaving comments on the three sites, reaching out to us through our contact form, speaking to us at conventions, sending us smoke signals and carrier pigeons… Pretty much any way possible. Most of what we’ve been hearing is great, but we’ve realized for a while that there’s room for improvement, and you can look for the first round of those improvements today.
The first thing you’ll notice is our updated navigation. We’ve reordered the links based on your feedback and have made some changes to our blog that should help you find what you’re looking for much more efficiently.
Starting today, the “Blog” tab which used to be a part of our navigation bar is now a “News” tab that will serve as the home for all of our posts. If you’re looking for 5.2 Reasons, DC Week-In-Review, Preview Monday or other features that are more editorial in nature, you can find them under “For Fans.” If you’re interested in breaking news, announcements, press releases and articles that are largely informational, look for them under “For Press.” And if you’re seeking out fun DC Comics-themed features aimed at parents and families, you’ll find them in our newest section, “For Family,” which is the home of our brand new DC Comics Fan Family blog.
We invite and encourage you to explore and familiarize yourself with these new enhancements, but please bear with us if you find any bugs or anything that doesn’t seem to be working correctly. We’re working to perfect and continually improve your experience, but we ask you to “pardon our dust” over the next few weeks as we get all of these enhancements fully in place.
Explore and enjoy. We look forward to hearing what you think, and remember…this is just the beginning.