Keith Giffen (OMAC, GREEN ARROW) has joined HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE as writer, starting with issue #2 out on September 5. Giffen will continue the stories of many favorite heroes and villains from Eternia in the six issue, limited print series. We asked Giffen to share his thoughts on joining HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE and he explained:
"He-Man and friends were a big part of my son's young life. That meant that they became a big part of my life too. I can still rattle off the plotlines to more than a few of the cartoons and am still pretty good at reattaching the arms and legs of woefully abused action figures. I'm thinking that more than qualifies me to write the HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE comic book. Well... that and the fact that I so want to. I mean, c'mon... it's He-Man!"
Issue #1 of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE is on sale now, and keep an eye out for Giffen’s first issue (#2) coming in September.