The superhero event of the summer is now the perfect gift for the holiday season. FLASHPOINT has been collected into a hardcover edition just in time for last minute shoppers in search of a quick fix for a comic book fan. The critically-acclaimed series is written by New York Times bestselling author Geoff Johns, and features gorgeous, vibrant visuals by legendary artist Andy Kubert. Together they herald the triumphant return of fan-favorite Flash Barry Allen, whose resurrection in a new reality changes everything about the DC Universe and its iconic heroes. Superman has spent a lifetime held captive underground for government tests. Wonder Woman is at war with Aquaman, with the whole human race caught in the crossfire. And Batman – well, we want to leave some surprises. This isn’t some parallel Earth or some mirror world where everything is topsy-turvy. This is reality, and it’s up to Barry – powerless and alone – to set things right. And, really, isn’t that what the holidays are all about?
BY: DCE Editorial
Friday, December 9th, 2011