Last month marked the release of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE, a six-issue anthology-style miniseries that chronicles the separate adventures of Robot Man, Garbage Man and the alien Tanga. “Beauty and the Bat” by Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan, picks up in Gotham City, where Garbage Man had just made his return and was seeking out his old friend, The Reverend. But will a visit from Gotham’s protector, The Dark Knight, jeopardize Garbage Man’s journey of self-discovery? In “Uncanny Valley, Part 2,” writer Matt Kindt and artist Scott Kolins continue the tribulations of Robotman, who last we saw, was being devoured by a restaurant full of angry zombies. Can Robotman preserve what’s left of his humanity by stopping what’s causing these people to turn into zombies without hurting them? And when he’s attacked by a giant mechanical beast, will Robotman have met his match? And the last issue of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE ended with Tanga being stuck in a state of paralysis while she was forced to watch innocent people get murdered. Now, in “Tanga: Unloved,” by Kevin Maguire, she must gain back control of her powers and body before stopping the cruelty unfolding before her eyes. MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #2 is in stores today.
Exclusive Preview of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #2
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011