All this week, we’ll not only be checking in with writers and artists about their contributions to SUPERMAN #700 and their thoughts on the character, but we’re also getting sneak peeks into the upcoming events unfolding in the pages of ACTION COMICS, SUPERGIRL, SUPERMAN and SUPERBOY. First up, we have writer Paul Cornell – who, in a bit of news we’re happy to announce here, just signed an exclusive contract with DC Comics – talking about his first arc on ACTION COMICS, which pairs him with artist Pete Woods. The focus? Someone we’re all familiar with – the evil mastermind known as Lex Luthor. But first, let’s see what Paul has to say about his new exclusive deal. Take it away, Paul: “I'm delighted to have signed exclusively to DC Comics. The work Pete, Matt, Wil and I are doing as a team on Action Comics has been tremendously satisfying, and I'm enjoying my other creative partnerships here just as much. I feel thoroughly cosseted! And hey, Lex Luthor! Who wouldn't be psyched to get to play with name recognition like that?” Thanks, Paul. But don’t stop there. What’s coming up in the pages of ACTION COMICS? “With his experiences in BLACKEST NIGHT, LEX LUTHOR learned what true, unbridled power feels like, and it’s left him focused on regaining that power—and more. He’s an addict now. So Lex has found himself a plan, a way to scratch that itch. “As Lex proceeds on his quest, we’ll see more of what drives him, what’s inside this man. We’ll also see how he deals with encounters with the greatest villains of the DC Universe, characters from outside his genre and his comfort zone, as he discovers the path to ultimate power leads him to several surprising places on Earth and beyond. “To name just a few of the villains we’ve got lined up… in the forbidding terrain of Antarctica, Lex will face off against DEATHSTROKE. He’ll match brains and brawn with VANDAL SAVAGE, leading to a crossover with SECRET SIX. He’ll find himself the target of LARFLEEZE, the Orange Lantern, himself still lusting for power. And he’ll match his own savagery against that of GORILLA GRODD. That battle leads to an encounter with a really unexpected character. And we’ve held back a few of the most interesting and surprising names he’ll be going up against. “All of this leads to issue #900. Which will be a responsibility, and a milestone, and a beast of a book. So no pressure. It brings Lex’s quest to an end, and solves several mysteries introduced along the way. I think it’s a great story, and I’m proud to be working with a great team to bring it to life.” ACTION COMICS #890, featuring art by PETE WOODS, will be on sale June 30th.
BY: DCE Editorial
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010