The question’s obvious: Who’s taking over the creative reins on POWER GIRL?
Well, let's read the tea leaves a bit, shall we? As some of you recall, Power Girl was once a member of Justice League Europe. It seems like a lot of the characters that were under the umbrella of Justice League International are reforming in the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST. JL: GENERATION LOST is written by Judd Winick. Well, so's POWER GIRL, starting with June's issue #13.
Teaming with new artist Sami Basri, who contributed some fantastic covers to recent issues of THE SHIELD and is also handling interiors on POWER GIRL, the latest chapter in Power Girl's life finds her inching closer to her former JLI teammates -- but why? It's too early to say, gang, but Judd's got a few teases to keep us on our toes. Right, Judd?
"It is with GREAT fear and excitement that Sami and I leap into this gig. Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Amanda Conner have bought an amazing, fresh, and inventive rebirth to this character. Our greatest challenge will be to remain faithful to what they've created and also take Power Girl to a new place. As far as the course that the story will take, I'll be uncharacteristically forthcoming : The story is tied to JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST. Not CHAINED to it, but tied. Power Girl has a history with the JLI that will be explored. A lot."
Want more? Well, here's Basri's first cover on the series. Nice, huh?

Unveiling the new POWER GIRL creative team
BY: DCE Editorial
Thursday, March 18th, 2010