Bruce Wayne is trapped in the past. The Caped Crusader is missing. As Earth's heroes and the citizens of Gotham City struggle to face a world without a Batman, Dick Grayson -- the first Robin -- dons his mentor's cowl to try and stem the tide of crime threatening to drown the city Bruce Wayne spent years protecting. Today, THE NEW YORK TIMES bestselling team of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely will launch BATMAN AND ROBIN, a new ongoing series. Morrison crafts an energetic, fast paced and punchy issue that brings to mind the lost elements of the Dark Knight's past while injecting the characters with new, energetic twists. And what more can you really say about Quitely's amazing artwork? In case you missed it, pages from the first issue have appeared at AIN'T IT COOL NEWS, MYSPACE, IGN, WIRED and NEWSARAMA, plus a very cool mention on MTV's SPLASH PAGE blog. But that's not all. Wondering what's coming up in the book in the next year? Click below and see for yourself.
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009